Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How to write your report

Here are some tips for writing your report [from a wiki on the subject] on your two famous entrepreneurs/inventors/innovators.

  1. Prepare an outline. Write an outline on what you would like to do on a piece of paper. There should be at least:
    • An introduction.
    • Middle or body section with headings, detailing your research, ideas and discussion. Include the relevant factual information that answers your task.
    • A summary and/or conclusion. A summary is a retelling of what you have reported on; a conclusion draws together your information and opinions about the topic to reach your final point of view.
  2. Research the topic. Get references/information relating to the specific question in hand, to back any points or arguments you want to make. Look online, in encyclopedias, and at the library. Print out or photo copy pages of information and highlight pertinent sections. You need at least two biographies for your report.
  3. Add a bibliography. Write or type your bibliography (a listing of your report sources) on a piece of paper or if you have a bibliographic page, write it down on that.
  4. Write a rough draft. Proofread it and mark your errors clearly. Errors are not only spelling and grammar but also jumbled ideas and missing points.
  5. Rewrite your report. Add pictures if you would like to or if it enhances the look. Use colored print if it is appropriate for the report.
  6. Print and check for final errors.
Tips :
  • Ask someone else to proofread your paper and offer constructive criticism.
  • Be sure to rely on more than one source for your information.
  • When using information from the internet, make sure it comes from a reputable source. Look on the page and make sure you know who wrote the information and why they are providing it.
  • While writing, assume that your reader knows little to nothing about the subject. Add details and definitions to topics in the paper.
WARNING [As pointed out by The Unknown Seeker]
  • Do not plagiarise
  • Do not leave it until the last minute
[Adapted from the wiki linked above http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Report]

NOte: Include note taking in draft book, Venn Diagrams [or a similar graphic organiser] as part of required information for assessment.

1 comment:

horseluva4 said...

I'm going to start writing my report today and over the weekend.