Friday, June 12, 2009

Solo Taxonomy

We are learning how to understanding our learning processes, where we are at, what we need to know and how we are going to get there, by referring to the SOLO taxonomy.
Once we have had time to get to know the method, we will be able to describe and monitor our own learning journey [excuse the JohnMitchelism] using terms from the SOLO taxonomy.
This will encourage our metacognition and help us to be self-directed, life-long learners...
Can you relate your blogging or class tasks to different levels on the taxonomy?


pinky said...

Yeah! I remember talking about solo taxonomy! I have almost completed the first step, brainstorming and catagorising!

I think that it will really help with our learning A LOT!!

P.S can you please arrange a time when the school magazine team can share our ideas? That would be greatly appreciated seeing as we are tryin to start the page now!

All ideas are appreciated guys!!!!!

i couldn't think of one... said...

lol i've finished my first step.

Miss McConnell said...

I think our class one is better because you get to reach SOLO/Inquiry heven at the top of the stair case! I hope this is helpfull to peoples learning! It would be a good one to show your parents if they are interested, as it explains the process we take in our class, when learning new things!

Little Miss Room 18 said...

We do most of the things on the solo taxonomy graph in our blogging like we formulate questions realating to our school work ETC.


gracie said...

I dont get it! Oh well! The end picture looks like a pencil with an alien spaceship st the end!