Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Woodmonstas Rule!!!

Hello Woodmonstas. Welcome to our new class blog.
This blog is to be respected, enjoyed and is a valuable part of your new accelerate class extension and enrichment programme. Through this web-based learning we will develop 21st Century learning skills, be connected to a world wide community of learners and enjoy an authentic audience for our work. Each of us will also receive meaningful feedback from multiple sources.
The blog will develop and grow in complexity, as well as being linked to online learning resources, other learners and your own personal blogs. These will become a form of eportfolio.
Please make the most of this opportunity and respect the rules so we can continue to use the internet as a tool for learning. Also remember that everything you publish on the Internet is potentially there forever - even if it gets deleted. You leave a digital footprint that may benefit or hinder you as you get older.
We will also have a class wiki called "Woodmonstas Wonder Wiki". This will contain specific learning activities, planning, links, forums and collaborative learning opportunities.
I hope you enjoy learning this way. Future posts should be more interesting :-)

warm regards,
Mr WOody


Computer Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

This is cool. I hope woodmonstas use it well.

MrWoody said...

Thanks for your comments.
Remember to use pseudonyms.
My Woodmonstas are many and varied... as you shall see :-)

Little Miss Room 18 said...

Are our woodmonstas going to be displayed in the classroom?

Bubbles said...

Mr woody,
I had a look at the wet paint wonder wiki I was just wondering how we use it?

Snowy said...

Hey Mr Woody,
How are you enjoying your new class?
I think we are all liking Mr Jones.
How was your salmon?
I know some kids from Fairfield and they told me that they think you are really funny!!!!!
I like the blog.


Happy said...

Hey Mr Woody,

I really like blogging, can you guess who I am? Heres a clue, I'm a good tidying upper! Haha

Element Master said...

Woodmonstas Absolutely rule the world hope you like mine